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我们的预约时间为每个工作日 8:00-17:00。建议提前 24 小时预约,方便我们为您安排最适合您的接诊医生和最便捷的检查通道。
- 挂号
- 医生问诊
- 缴费
- 检查检验
- 复诊
- 取药
- 保险理赔
The international medical center of northeast international hospital provides the best service for patients of direct billing cooperation insurance company.
※ The process of outpatient treatment is as follows:
1. Please contact usThe appointment time is from 8:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday (It is recommended to make an appointment 24 hours in advance so that we could arrange the most suitable doctor for you and the most convenient examination channel.)
Warm prompt: In order to facilitate registration and insurance claims, please provide passport and insurance card before coming to the hospital.
2. Please follow us
During the visit, we will assist you to complete every step:
- Register
- Manage to see a doctor
- Make the payment
- Take the check
- Take the subsequent consultation
- Take the medicine
- Insurance Claim
※ The process of inpatients treatment is as follows:
The International Medical Center will apply for your pre-authorization, hospitalization procedures, inpatient wards, hospital ward facilities, and fill in the relevant information. During this period, we will accompany all the inpatient examinations. At the end of the hospitalization, the staff from International Medical Center will handle your discharge, related formalities and insurance claims.No need to wait, no need to rush, we are always by your side. Thank you for choosing International Medical Center of Northeast International Hospital. We sincerely escort your health!