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东北国际医院 (2)次

1月16日上午,室外寒风料峭,室内暖意融融,东北国际医院国际医疗部迎来了2024年的第一位国际客人——澳洲驻沈阳总领馆副总领事Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)先生。Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)先生的此次到访,旨在进一步加强双方在医疗领域的交流与合作,特别是为在沈、在辽的澳大利亚籍患者提供更为便捷的医疗服务。

On the morning of January 16, 2024, the weather was cold outside with warm interior temperatures. The International Medical Department of Northeast International Hospital welcomed Mr. Ji-Soo WOO, the Vice Consul General of Australia in Shenyang, as its first foreign guest of the year. Mr. Ji-Soo WOO's visit was intended to improve communication and collaboration in the medical field between the two parties, particularly with regard to offering Australian patients in Shenyang and Liaoning Province more convenient medical services.


Group Photo of Vice Consul General and Staff from the International Medical Department of NEITH

中一医疗产业集团总裁郭斌对Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)先生的到来表示热烈的欢迎,并委托院领导做好交流访问的相关工作。在我院陈昌海副院长、鄂凤文副院长、程志亮主任、王洪波主任的介绍下,在国际医疗部马长城主任、骆宁护士长、翻译兼医生助理张岩及尹星的陪同下,Mr. Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)参观了医院的超声科、肿瘤整合中心、干保门诊、会员中心暨国际医疗部、中医科、健康管理中心、放射影像科、急诊医学部及接种门诊等科室,对医院的医疗环境、医疗设备、医疗技术、服务流程等方面给予了高度评价,各位领导也就客人感兴趣的问题进行了详细解答。

The president of China First Mandarin Medical Industry Group, Bin GUO, cordially welcomed Mr. Ji-Soo WOO’s visit and gave hospital administrators the go-ahead to arrange the visit and exchange. Under the introduction of Vice President Changhai Chen, Vice President Fengwen E, Direct Zhiliang Cheng and Director Hongbo Wang and under the accompany of Mr. Changcheng MA, Director of International Medical Department, Ning LUO, Head Nurse, and Yan ZHANG and Xing YIN, Interpreters & Assistants of Doctor, the prominent guest conducted a comprehensive visit to our hospital’s departments such as Ultrasound Department, Tumor Integrated Center, Cadre Health Clinic, Member Center and International Medical Department, Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, Health Management Center, Radiology Diagnosis Department, Emergency Department and Adult Vaccination clinic, and highly praised our hospital's medical environment, medical equipment, medical technology, service processes, and other aspects and the questions of interest were also answered one by one.


VP Changhai CHEN Introducing the Health Management Center


VP Fengwen E Introducing the Emergency Department


Direct Zhiliang CHENG Introducing the Radiation Diagnosis Department


Direct Hongbo WANG Introducing the Cadre Health Clinic

之后,双方在会员中心暨国际医疗部展开了愉快的会谈。座谈会上,我院国际医疗部马长城主任代表东北国际医院热烈欢迎了Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)先生的到访,并向其详细介绍了我院的发展历程、特色科室、服务理念以及国际医疗部的业务特色。他表示,我院一直致力于提供高质量的医疗服务,希望通过与澳洲驻沈阳总领事馆的交流,能够进一步帮助更多在沈、在辽的澳洲籍人士。Ji-Soo WOO(禹志树)先生对此高度赞许,并表示希望东北国际医院能为在沈、在辽的澳洲籍人士提供便捷、专业的诊疗服务。

Following that, both parties engaged in a cordial discussion in the Member Center & International Medical Department. Mr. Changcheng MA, the director of the International Medical Department, welcomed the guest graciously and provided a thorough overview of the hospital's development history, specialized departments and clinics as well as service concepts throughout the meeting. He said that our hospital has always been dedicated to offering top-notch medical care and expressed the hope that we will be able to serve more people in Shenyang and Liaoning Province as a result of exchanges with the Australian Consulate General in Shenyang. Additionally, Mr. Ji-Soo WOO stated his expectation that Australian people living in Shenyang and Liaoning Province would have easy access to professional diagnosis and treatment services provided by Northeast International Hospital.


Direct Changchegn MA Introducing the Member Center and International Medical Department


This visit not only strengthened the relationship between our hospital and the Australian Consulate General in Shenyang, but it also established a strong basis for future medical cooperation between the two establishments. We anticipate more chances to collaborate and communicate in the future in order to collectively raise the standard of healthcare and assist more patients.


Glimpses of the Visit


The International Medical Department will also continuously comply with the needs of various foreign-related institutions and enterprises in Shenyang, routinely conduct visits and exchanges, free clinics, and health education activities, always be dedicated to contributing to the global promotion of building a "International Shenyang", and strengthening "Foreign Affairs+", making contributions to promoting Shenyang's high-level opening-up to the outside world!


Photo of NEIH


NEIH is one of the first four designated comprehensive hospitals for foreign medical treatment and designated hospitals for international traveler assistance determined by the Shenyang Municipal Health Commission. Being a high-end medical service platform established at the beginning of the hospital's establishment and provides specialized medical services for high-end patients both domestically and internationally, the International Medical Department is dedicated to offering quick, effective, high-quality, and skilled VIP diagnosis and treatment services for embassies and consulates, business organizations, foreign enterprises, foreign nationals and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who come to Shenyang for tourism and work, and the insured of high-end medical insurance. The International Medical Department can meet customers' personalized and diversified medical service needs. Since its establishment, it has provided satisfactory services to tens of thousands of high-end customers.

国际医疗部可为多家高端医疗保险客户提供直接结算/免现金服务。目前,东北国际医院与招商信诺、MSH(万欣和)、Henner、AFSPA、AIA友邦、AXA安盛、中意人寿、北京环球救援、DTHealth稻甜、泰康养老、商保通、GBG、International SOS、中国人寿、安联、安顾、柏盛健康、风时健康等50余家高端直付医疗保险公司展开合作,基本涵盖在东北、在辽、在沈外国人直付/免现金就诊需求。

The International Medical Department can provide direct-billing/cash free services for multiple high-end medical insurance customers. At present, NEIH has collaborated with more than 50 high-end direct payment medical insurance companies, including Cigna and CMB, MSH, Henner, AFSPA (FOREIGN SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN), AIA, AXA, Generali China, BUMA, DTHealth, Taikang Pension, China Health Connect, GBG, International SOS, PICC, Allianz, Ergo, Prosper Health, Windstone Health, etc., covering the direct-billing/cash free medical treatment needs of foreigners in Shenyang, Liaoning Province and Northeast China.


High-end Medical Insurance Companies Cooperating with NEIH


The International Medical Department can connect with international advanced medical resources and help patients seek international cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment solutions. Realize various consultation forms such as written, video, and overseas referrals based on patient needs.


NEIH will always be dedicated to contributing to the global promotion of the "Hello Shenyang" brand, strengthening "Foreign Affairs+," building a "International Shenyang," and optimizing the creation of a favorable business environment in the Liao-shen region. To this end, NEIH will take concrete steps to support businesses and chambers of commerce from various nations, provinces, and cities in Shenyang and in Liaoning Province as they work to speed up and increase the efficiency of their production and operations.





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Northeast International Hospital












