NEIH Inside the French Consulate General in Shenyang

It is the Northeast International Hospital (NEIH)’s goal to not only aid in the global advertisement of the brand “Hello, Shenyang” and strengthen the initiation of events such as “Foreign Affairs+” and “International Shenyang”, but also to facilitate the positive business environment within the Liaoning province and demonstrate the quality of healthcare and services at NEIH. Thus, upon invitation from Consul General Luo Yirui (of the French Consulate General in Shenyang) on the national anniversary of the Republic of France, MR Guo Bin, the president of ZhongYi Medical Industry, sent NEIH’s best wishes along with representatives to attend the celebration and promised efficient, effective, and professional healthcare services for the Consulate General’s staff and all French citizens in Shenyang.

Capture Taken with Consul General Luo Yirui of the French Consulate General in Shenyang

As the first generation of designated medical service providers for foreign establishments and institutes, NEIH has offered foreign administrators, entrepreneurs, tourists, and students professional medical services at numerous International celebratory events. At the French national anniversary celebration, Membership Center and International Medical Department Director Ma Changcheng and International Medical Department physician assistant and translator Zhang Yan provided a general overview of the Membership Center and International Medical Department to the Consulate General’s staff, and underwent thorough discussion regarding the Consulate General staff’s prospective medical service procedure at NEIH.
At the National Anniversary Celebration
Capture Taken with MS Ni Yan of the French Consulate General in Shenyang
活动期间,还与参加活动的美国驻沈总领事尹晓岚女士愉快交流,尹女士对东北国际医院国际医疗部在美国独立日庆典期间提供的医疗保障服务表示感谢。同时也非常关注我院与AFSPA(FOREIGN SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN保险公司)签约合作情况。此项合作洽谈进展顺利,现已进入收尾阶段。
During the event, NEIH also underwent pleasant communication with Consul General Yin Xiaolan (of the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang), who expressed gratitude towards the medical services NEIH provided for the U.S. Day of Independence celebration. Concurrently, Consul General Yin Xiaolan also pays close attention to the partnership between NEIH and AFSPA (Foreign Service Benefit Plan Medical Insurance Company), which is currently progressing smoothly and nearing conclusion.
Furthermore, Director Ma Changcheng also initiated discussion with Consul General representative Shu Meige (of the German Consulate General in Shenyang) regarding the Consulate General staff’s prospective medical visits to NEIH. In particular, the International Medical Department at NEIH promised VIP medical service for the Consulate General’s staff, and seeing MR Shu Meige’s interest in the specialized medical departments at NEIH, looks forward to potential cooperation in the future. After the event, NEIH Membership Center and International Medical Department Director Ma Changcheng also connected with associates from the German Consulate General in Shenyang, and further discussion regarding the prospective medical visits of the Consulate General’s staff to NEIH awaits. The Consulate General expressed appreciation towards the convenient services offered by NEIH.
Capture Taken with Consul General Representative Shu Meige of the German Consulate General in Shenyang
宴会期间,巧遇曾在我院耳鼻喉科就医的法国商学院教授Nikola Zivalak,经过我院的精心治疗,教授听力恢复很好,并表示对医院的医术非常信任,接下来其家人也将来院就医,马主任承诺国际医疗部必将提供令其满意的VIP服务。
During the event, NEIH representatives were delighted to encounter Professor Nikola Zivlak of the Emlyon Business School in France, whose hearing has greatly improved following exquisite treatment at NEIH. Therefore, Professor Zivlak has expressed tremendous trust in the hospital’s medical capabilities, and Director Ma Changcheng promised assuring VIP services for Professor Zivlak’s family who are soon to visit NEIH.
与法国商学院教授Nikola Zivlak合影
Capture Taken with Professor Nikola Zivlak of the Emlyon Business School in France
From this event, not only did NEIH establish deeper connections with accomplished individuals of all occupations, but also broadened its scope of outreach to facilitate future corporations and partnerships. In addition, Director Ma also gained the pleasant acquaintance of Shenyang Michelin Tire Company (MSTC) president Li Yanbing, and promised to provide dependable medical services for the company. Specifically, NEIH is willing to deploy personnel to organize events such as volunteer medical services and health seminars at the company, and hence contribute support to its operation and production efforts.
Capture Taken with Shenyang MSTC President Li Yanbing
Moreover, NEIH’s International Medical Department also acquired contact with Shenyang HuZ International School, which is not only one of the 141 German Education Institute-authorized German international schools in the world, but also the only school that follows a 12-year long German education system in Northeast China. As such, this interaction with HuZ International School set encouraging foundations for future cooperations between NEIH and Huz in the form of medical partnerships and potential enrollment of NEIH’s Foreign Members at HuZ.

As a major window of outreach, the International Medical Department is tremendously praised for its elaborate and efficient services for various nations’ Consulate General associates and their families, local entrepreneurs, local international students and professionals, tourists, and anyone with international medical insurance. Not only can the hospital provide private one-to-one healthcare services as well as VIP pathways and other high-quality experiences for foreigners, it also offers a pleasant treatment environment coupled with professional consultation from multiple medical departments.
目前,东北国际医院与招商信诺、MSH(万欣和)、Henner、AFSPA(FOREIGN SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN)、AIA友邦、AXA安盛、中意人寿、北京环球救援、DTHealth稻甜、泰康养老、商保通、GBG、International SOS、中国人民保险等50余家高端直付医疗保险公司展开合作,基本涵盖在东北、在辽、在沈外国人直付/免现金就诊需求。
Currently, NEIH is partnered with Cigna & CMC, MSH, Henner, AFSPA, AIA, AXA, Generali China, BUMA, DTHealth, Taikang Pension, China Health Connect, GBG, International SOS, PICC, and over fifty other high-end direct-billing medical insurance companies to facilitate foreigner direct-billing healthcare needs throughout the Northeast region.
In the future, NEIH International Medical Department aims to continue expanding on its advantages and provide VIP medical services for Consulate General staff as well as citizens of various nations in the Liaoning region.
东北国际医院 会员中心(中国企业)
东北国际医院 国际医疗部(外国企业)
Northeast International Hospital Membership Center(Chinese Businesses)
Northeast International Hospital International Medical Department(Foreign Businesses)
Company Booking phone line: 024-82882230;18509891111

Northeast International Hospital

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